Friday, June 06, 2008

Aww, School Holidays are almost over.

As you can see in the title, school holidays are almost over. This Monday there is school, and I am so sad. :'( . Well, holidays were quite boring but I'd rather have holidays than go to school. During this holiday, all I did was go out, sleep, eat, and ..sleep. Yeah. I didn't go anywhere for the holidays because I have already went for a trip with the whole family 2 weeks before the holiday. Right now, I am sitting in front of my sister's laptop blogging. I'm bored and have nothing to do. That is 1 reason why I'm blogging right now. Another reason is because I haven't blogged for so long. My cousin asked me to go to his house but I have went there so many times during this holiday. I also want to go cycling this evening. Well, that is all I can think about to blog today. 

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