Sunday, June 03, 2007

New Post Time!

I haven't bloged for a long time right? Well, so here is the post.
Like my mum said we had crab with angel jie jie and uncle cocka, on that day angel jie jie asked me "Why no new post arh?" I just grinned. Ehehehe! Well, I actually don't have anything to say. I am just blogging this because I have not blogged for a long time. So, I just post this lorh. Okay, so that's practically it!


rainbow angeles said...

Waaa! U draw me so pretty wan... tq tq! muaks!

But uncle cocka... kakakaka... :p

Enjoy your holidays, yeah! ;)

may said...

love your portraits of angel jiejie and uncle cocka! waaaa, his "karipap" very big liao... lol!

Cocka Doodle said...

Hrrrmmphh!!! How come my hair looks like crab claws wan? You ate too much pincers that night is it? LOL

[Sam] said...

ahahhaah no larh sry i cannot draw soo nice with paint wan!

mynandini said...

great.go on with your wishes will always remain with you, my little sister.